Silver amalgam fillings don't just contain silver. They are also made of zinc, tin, aluminum, and 50% mercury. Replacing these fillings with other non-metal materials can improve your health. It is important to only have amalgam fillings removed by a dentist that can do it safely and thus releasing the least amount of heavy metals into your body in the process. HEALTH COMPLAINTS BEFORE AND AT ONE AND FIVE YEARS AFTER REMOVAL OF DENTAL AMALGAM RESTORATIONS-DATA FROM A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY IN NORWAY In this study reduction of the intensity of symptoms after removal of amalgam restorations was observed, which suggests a possible dose–response relationship. Sinha, Nivedita et al. “Health complaints before and at one and five years after removal of dental amalgam restorations - data from a prospective cohort study in Norway.” Acta odontologica Scandinavica vol. 83 219-229. 3 May. 2024, doi:10.2340/aos.v83.40260 A SAFE PROTOCOL FOR AMALGAM REMOVAL
Doctors and individuals request the removal of their amalgam (silver mercury) restorations due to the high mercury content. A safe protocol to replace the silver mercury filling will ensure that there is minimal if any absorption of materials while being removed. Strong alternative white composite and lab-processed materials are available today to create a healthy and functioning mouth. Preparation of the patient prior to the procedure and after treatment is vital to establish the excretion of the mercury from the body. The following is a list of outcomes that I repeatedly hear from my patients over the years. Although I have not scientifically collected them, after amalgam removal and detoxification, they have also been reported in the literature. Comments include that
Colson, Dana G. “A safe protocol for amalgam removal.” Journal of environmental and public health vol. 2012 (2012): 517391. doi:10.1155/2012/517391 Comments are closed.